Our creative team can design yourlighting control system to your preference. Our lighting systems allow complete control from one single device from wherever you are.

Our lighting systems allow complete control from one single device from wherever you are. Lighting control systems can be controlled via mobiles, touch panels, and wall switches which can be operated by push button lighting keypads that can be fully customised, replacing the old flicker switches. We can design subtle lighting programmes to create an atmosphere for every room, simple lighting programmes or even the option of timers to ensure your home or business always appears occupied, adding additional security.
Our creative team can design your lighting control system to your preference. For example, through mood lighting sequences which can be replayed on demand or via pre-programmed schedules. There are also other facilities to incorporate easy living, for example, the integration of blinds and lights, so that blinds automatically open as the sun rises whilst outdoor porch lights turn off.
Control4 light switches and many other smart control switches allow you to control:
- Lights
- Blinds/Curtains
- Audio/TV
Scenes can be created for all the above to suit your living.